Would You Like to Serve on our Board of Directors?
Kenosha Community Media, Inc., (“KCM”) a nonprofit organization, seeks candidates to serve on its Board of Directors for three-year terms or the remainder of vacated terms. Interested parties may apply via this website or print out an application form and mail it to us at 1403 Washington Road, Kenosha, WI 53140.
To be considered for candidacy to the Board of Directors, you must be at least 18 years of age and meet at least one of the following criteria:
You have a permanent residence within the geographic limits of the County of Kenosha (“County”); and/or
You are employed* either full-time or part-time at a business, institution, or organization that has a physical address within the County; and/or
You are a full-time or part-time student at an accredited college or university that has a physical address within the County.
* The term “employed” shall mean that a person receives regular, financial compensation for work performed or product made.
The Board selects applicants from a variety of backgrounds, and the overall composition of the Board shall reflect the diversity of population of the Kenosha area, including its racial, sexual, ethnic, cultural, educational, and workforce segments, as well as other aspects of the community. Prior experience as a member of a nonprofit Board or other work within the nonprofit sector is desired, but not required.
You have a permanent residence within the geographic limits of the County of Kenosha (“County”); and/or
You are employed* either full-time or part-time at a business, institution, or organization that has a physical address within the County; and/or
You are a full-time or part-time student at an accredited college or university that has a physical address within the County.
* The term “employed” shall mean that a person receives regular, financial compensation for work performed or product made.
The Board selects applicants from a variety of backgrounds, and the overall composition of the Board shall reflect the diversity of population of the Kenosha area, including its racial, sexual, ethnic, cultural, educational, and workforce segments, as well as other aspects of the community. Prior experience as a member of a nonprofit Board or other work within the nonprofit sector is desired, but not required.
Board Meeting Requirements
Board members are expected to regularly attend and participate in Board meetings, which generally take place on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:00 PM via the Zoom app. They may also be expected to serve on committees or task groups of the Board and take part in marketing, fund development and other activities.
Duties of the Board
The Board performs any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by law, by the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation, and by its Bylaws. The Board, which includes its individual members, has a fundamental duty of governance. Governance includes setting direction; monitoring organizational performance; stewarding assets and managing risk; ensuring Board succession and renewal; and protecting the public interest. The ultimate legal responsibility for the action and any inaction of KCM rests with the Board.
Term of Office
Appointed members serve an initial term of three (3) years or the remainder of a vacated term. They may be re-elected for no more than two additional terms of three years each. They may not reapply for at least one year following the end of their final term.
Neither an employee of any video service operator having a franchise with the State of Wisconsin and providing video service in the Kenosha area, which term shall include subsidiary, parent or affiliated corporations, nor any of their agents, servants, employees or members of their respective families may serve on the KCM Board of Directors.
Requirements of Board Candidates
Applicants are required to attend at least one Board meeting and to attend an orientation session on the Board’s roles and responsibilities before the Board will consider their applications. KCM provides orientation sessions on a periodic basis, based on the number of applications received.
Board Review & Appointment Process
The Board reviews applications and may appoint candidates to serve based not only on their qualifications but also by their skills, which would allow the Board to better carry out its duties, even when other candidates may be highly-qualified to serve. KCM will contact prospective candidates to inform them of the date, time, and location of the Board's review of their application. The Board reserves the right to reject all applications, even if a Board position remains open.